Together with Holisticyber's cyber experts, we've created the UX/UI of the new AI based cyber defense management platform,
Magen Post Desktop app
Mass Communication
Communicate to millions in seconds! The Magen app provids real time mass communication solutions for government agencies, mobile operators and enterprises.
Magen Mobile app
Mass Communication
Communicate to millions in seconds! The Magen app provids real time mass communication solutions for government agencies, mobile operators and enterprises.
Tyco – Visonic Club
Advanced safety and security -
The installers platform
Tyco – iotega onepager
Smart Home security - never been easier
Visonic Club app
Visonic Club -
The benefit and purchase incentive program for installers
Johnson Control Presentation & more
We worked closely with johnson Control on their marketing materials from annual reports to different landing pages, onepagers and presentations
Tyco - Complete security solution
Visonic club mobile app
Visonic Club -
The benefit and purchase incentive program for installers